Tipperary North Organise “The Gathering 2013”

Steering Committee Hold Community Meeting For “The Gathering”

North Tipperary will host a community meeting in advance of “The Gathering Ireland 2013.” The Gathering is Ireland’s national tourism initiative, launched earlier this year by An Taoiseach Enda Kenny.

To get things rolling, a special Community Meeting will take place in the Abbey Court Hotel, Nenagh, Co Tipperary, on Thursday 26th July at 7.00pm. All are welcome to attend this meeting, which will offer an opportunity for local people to learn more about ‘The Gathering’ and how they can become involved. Anyone with ideas for a ‘Gathering’ can pledge them online after the meeting. They will also be able to access tools and supports online to help them to organise their Gatherings.

Jim Miley, Project Director of The Gathering Ireland 2013, has urged North Tipperary locals to attend the meeting on Thursday 26th July, stating; “The Gathering Ireland 2013 is a people’s project. It’s all about you, your family, your neighbours, your sports club, your college, your place of work – in fact, whatever community or group you belong to – planning special events in 2013 that will highlight what is great about your town and county. I know people here in North Tipp have a great spirit and some wonderful suggestions for Gatherings. We’re looking forward to hearing all of your ideas.

Thursday’s meeting is organised by the North Tipperary Gathering Steering Committee, led by local Gathering Co-ordinator, Attracta Lyons, Community & Enterprise Development Officer with North Tipperary County Council. Announcing plans for the meeting, Ms.Lyons stated: “By calling this meeting, we are asking everyone in North Tipperary to get involved in the Gathering in 2013. This is an exciting opportunity for each and every one of us to play our part in showing what is best about the County and our people. We have some great networks and ideas here as to how we can reach out to our friends and loved ones overseas and invite them home next year. 2013 is going to be an incredible year in Ireland and we want North Tipperary to be part of it.

Gathering Community Meetings will be held throughout Ireland in the coming year ahead. Local Gathering organisations are being set up in every county, comprising a range of organisations. These include sporting bodies, cultural and musical groups, local authorities, local development companies and other bodies.

Community projects already underway throughout Ireland include Clan Gatherings, Genealogical Projects, School Reunions, Twin-Town visits and an Outreach Initiative where local communities will contact people who have left the country.

The Gathering 2013 continues to gain momentum with leading Irish personalities such as Pierce Brosan, Liam Neeson, Maeve Binchy and Paul O’Connell already pledging their support to this exciting initiative. A large number of companies and organisations have already got involved including Google and Facebook, while KPMG and PwC have confirmed they will hold their International Alumni events in Ireland, bringing 1,000 International visitors.

For further information contact Community & Enterprise Department, North Tipperary County Council on Tel. 067 44858 or 067 44522 or Email Attracta.Lyons@northtippcoco.ie

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