Tipperary Irish Language Hill Walk In Upperchurch


“The beauty of the world hath made me sad, this beauty that will pass;
Sometimes my heart hath shaken with great joy to see a leaping squirrel in a tree,
Or a red lady-bird upon a stalk, or little rabbits in a field at evening,
Lit by a slanting sun, or some green hill where shadows drifted by,
Some quiet hill where mountainy man hath sown and soon would reap; near to the gate of Heaven.”

Every time I read the above text I often wonder if the Irish poet Padraic Henry Pearse, (Pádraig Anraí Mac Piarais) when penning his wonderful poem “The Wayfarer,” wasn’t writing about the magnificent wild, unspoilt and uncontrolled, heavenly beauty, that is Upperchurch, Thurles, here in Co Tipperary.

Your excuse for an overdue visit to Upperchurch, Co. Tipperary, comes next Sunday, March 11th, when a walk with all participants, using the Irish language, will be held starting from Upperchurch Village at 4.30p.m. sharp.

This event is part of Seachtain na Gaeilge activities and will take the Eamon an Chnoic Loop, over 8 km in length. (Excellent weather forecast.)

Registration is free and there will be an optional meal available afterwards at a cost €10 if booked at time of registration. There will also be traditional Irish entertainment to kick off the St. Patrick’s week festivities. All are welcome including those with little or no knowledge of the Irish language.

For further details of these and other walking and cycling events contact:- www.upperchurch.ie or Phone 0504 54443 any weekday 10:00am to 2:00pm or Phone: 086 0518934 or 0504 54284 at other times.

Tá tráthnóna pléisiúrtha sultmhar sláintiúil geallta do chách. Bígí ann. (Translated: A healthy fun enjoyable evening is guaranteed. Highly recommended.)

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